1.As you well understand, the trade exchange between China and . . . is limited with a small volume at present.
2.The products have small volume after disassembled and packed, thus will be very easy to handle in storage and transportation process.
3.This inverter has the merits of simple structure, small volume, high output-stability and easy to be adjusted.
4.The general demands for manufacturing a non-pilot airplane are small volume, simple structure, low cost and easy to operate.
5.The air take valve has the advantages of simple structure, cheap price, low failure rate, small volume, and easy to take and use.
6.Accord with human body engineering characteristics, strong, cartoon characters, small volume, not to occupy a space, easy to carry.
7.The system which has the merit of high integration, small volume, light weight and easy to carry, has a good prospect and practical value.
8.The material is never fully molten, although there might be a small volume fraction of liquid present during the sintering process.
9.Analysis on the configuration and locomotion modes shows that this mechanism has a small volume and good motion performance.
10.The practice confirmed that this method has non-surge cur- rent, low cost, small volume and simple practical.